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How to Track your Intentions & Reflections and Review insights

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Every day, Weight Loss by Gina members are encourage to set their Intentions for the day in the morning, and reflect on those Intentions -- and on the day at large -- in the evening.

The Livy Method app helps you capture your Morning Intentions and Evening Reflections each day, and review your entries over time.

In this article, we'll cover:

How to Set your Morning Intentions

1. Click "Intentions & Reflections" on the Journal screen

2. Click on "Morning Intentions"

You will end up on the morning intentions screen.

3. Click "View more suggestions"

You will see a list of Intentions. Select relevant intentions for you

4. Select the Intentions relevant to you and click "Save"

You will see these intentions in a saved list

5. Pick from the list of intentions and click "Save"

6. Optional: Type your own custom Intentions for the day and click "Done"

7. Optional: save them as presets

You can edit these presets at any time by clicking "Edit"

Click the red delete icon next to the preset you would like to delete

9. Click "Save"

How to Complete your Evening Reflections

1. Click on Intentions & Reflections

2. Click on "Reflect on the day"

3. Select how you are feeling by clicking on one of the icons

4. Type in any notes for how your day was and any plans for tomorrow

5. Click "Save"

How to Review your Intentions & Reflections Insights

Once you track you Intentions & Reflections over time, you'll be able to reflect on them using the Intentions & Reflections Insights section.

1. Click on the Sun/Moon icon (If you haven't added an entry in for that day yet) or the Emoji icon (If you have added an entry in for that day)

This will take you to your Intentions & Reflections tables which shows all your data week by week.

You can also find and edit any of your Intentions & Reflections using the Table. Just click on the entry you'd like to edit, and the app will ask you if you'd like to Edit the entry for that day.

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