SERVINGS: 2 PREPPING TIME: 10 min COOKING TIME: 50 min | INGREDIENTS: 2 pork chops, bone in 2 medium turnips 1 medium beet 1 cup grated parmesan 1 cup microgreens 2 tbsp chopped thyme 2 tbsp coriander seed 2 tbsp butter S&P Olive oil |
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Peel and quarter beets and turnips. In a medium pot, place the turnips and beets and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and reduce to medium heat. Simmer until fork tender, about 30-40 min.
While the beets and turnips cook, take the mortar and pestle and crush the coriander seeds. Chop the thyme finely. Combine the coriander and thyme and mix well.
Salt and pepper the pork chops to taste. Press the chops into the mixture, coating the meat all around.
Heat the olive oil in an ovenproof skillet over medium heat. Sear the pork until nicely browned all around, about 2 minutes per side. Transfer the skillet into the oven and roast until internal temperature reaches 160°F, about 10 min.
While the pork is in the oven, drain the cooked beets and turnips and cool slightly. Reserve about 1/2 cup of the water. Transfer the beets and turnips into the food processor adding the butter and parmesan. S&P to taste. Process until smooth adding the beet turnip water as needed.
Plate the puree and place the pork chop on top. Garnish with microgreens and shaved parmesan. Enjoy!