Hi everyone,
Now in my 4th round, down 47 lbs with 21 lbs to go, my “Why” has remained constant from day 1: Heal my body, heal my brain, be of service. It’s really that simple. My Why is the same, however, my How has changed. This round I have my bestie and my niece on board! While I highly recommend the support of friends, the ‘right’ friend makes all the difference. We believe that iron sharpens iron. We are bold, high achievers who strive for excellence. We compete to level up each week in the program, but not against each other. The only competition is with ourselves. We uncover layers of struggle, grapple with the feelings, unpack vulnerabilities, and forge ahead. I love that we’ve created space for each other to be magnificently timid and shyly bold. Our strength isn’t tied to traditional ways of being. Rather it’s cloaked in the warmth of feeling good. We walk in that promise of Finally and Forever.
I struggle with PCS and have s-l-o-w-l-y regained functional abilities. A huge part of that is following my neurologist’s advice – diet, nutrition, exercise, supplements, meditation, and hydration (in addition to a host of other treatments). Heal your gut = Heal your brain. Once I understood, how interlinked these two seemingly disparate parts are, I took action. I’m a researcher at heart, so I explored the impact of our micro-biome on overall health and brain health. I now understand that in order to heal, my body needs a solid foundation. The building blocks for me are food, water, meditation, Omega3s, and exercise. Once this basic level is functioning optimally, all other medical and non-medical interventions have a springboard to be effective in my healing. Getting here wasn’t easy! It took deep work to dig myself out of the proverbial PCS hole where the days were very dark. Re-learning the basics of talking and walking, following simple instructions, socializing and reading seemed like light years away. However, I once heard a wise woman say ‘we can do hard things’!

"Heal your gut = Heal your brain."

Gina’s program encompassed all the building blocks for better health + a trillion more. Carrying extra fat weighs me down both physically and psychologically. It occupies waaaaaay too much space in my head. Now, I flood my brain with meditations, setting intentions, micro-goals, and showing up for myself. My family has had to readjust to their new priority position in my life. They’re important. I am THE most important. I own that and embrace that space with open arms. From here, all goodness flows. Every day I pour into me first. Not rocket science! I make opportunities by taking the next step, doing one right action, then another. It adds up or as my Jamaican mother would say ‘every mikkle mek a muckle’ (every little bit counts). Everything I desire is uphill from where I stand, so my only choice is to climb higher and do the work. I’m not who I used to be, but a girl’s still got dreams ya’ll. Life like weight loss, is not a straight line. It's got twists and turns. And when this happens just Mel Robbins yourself and remember every setback is a set-up for your next big thing!