In this article we will show you how to upload a "Before" photo:
While Setting Up the App for your First Program
Setting up a "Before” photo is part of your Account Set up Process before the starting your First Program. You can set your "Before” photo using the steps below:
1. Tap "Set a Before photo" on the Countdown screen
2. Tap the "Upload Before Photo" button
3. Choose between taking a new photo or uploading from your Photo Library
Once you've Started Your First Program
You can upload a "Before” photo after you have started your First Program using the steps below:
1. Tap on the Journey tab
2. Tap the Program for which you would like to upload a "Before" photo
3. Tap the "+" button in the Before Photo section at the bottom of the Program screen.
The "Before” photo is located all the way at the bottom of this screen.